Fleet API

Fleet API is a data and command service providing access to Tesla vehicles and energy devices. Developers can interact with their own devices, or devices for which they have been granted access by a customer.
Examples of applications that could be built with Fleet API

Experience Fleet API with no costs for personal use

Each account receives a $14 monthly discount that will cover the cost to create useful automations for a few vehicles. For example, this can roughly cover data streaming, 100 commands, and 2 wakes per day for two vehicles.

Usage Based Pricing

The pay-per-use pricing model charges incrementally based on usage. Streaming Signals and Commands are lower cost to incentivize efficient development practices. This flexible model scales with application needs and growing businesses. Each request or signal streamed is charged at the rates below.

Streaming Signals

Stream hundreds of vehicle signals directly to your backend

105,634 signals/$1


Perform an action on a Tesla device

704 requests/$1


Poll a limited set of device information

352 requests/$1


Wake up the vehicle from sleep

35 requests/$1

Estimate Your Expenses

How to Onboard Your App?

Follow the onboarding process below to register and get an API key to interact with Tesla's API endpoints
Step 1

Create a Tesla Account

If you do not have an account yet, create a Tesla Account. Verify your email and set up multi-factor authentication.
Step 2

Submit an API Request

Provide information about your app and API usage needs to submit application request.
Step 3

Access App Credentials

Once approved, a Client ID and Client Secret will be generated for your app which can be accessed after signing in. Use these credentials to obtain a user Access Token with OAuth 2.0 authentication.