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Open Source Tokens

Developers working on open-source projects or projects that require publicly available credentials, can onboard their Tesla application as an "Open Source App". This will enable the PKCE flow using a client ID without client secret. Open Source Apps are restricted to the discovery tier and cannot generate or access APIs that require client credentials tokens (Partner Authentication Token).

Similar to third-party tokens, open-source tokens use the authorization_code grant flow to generate a token on behalf of a customer. This allows API calls using the scopes granted by the customer.

Step 1: User Authorization

For the open-source token authorize request, a PKCE-enhanced Authorization Code flow is required. To use PKCE-enhanced Authorization Code flow, an app generates a code verifier and derives a code challenge from it. The challenge is sent with the authorization code request, and the verifier is sent with the access token request. The authorization server verifies the requests by recalculating the challenge and matching it with the original. More instructions on generating code_challenge and code_verifier can be found here:

To initiate the authorization code flow direct the customer to an /authorize request.


response_typeYescodeA string, always use the value "code".
client_idYesabc-123Partner application client ID.
redirect_uriYes application callback url, spec: rfc6749.
scopeYesopenid offline_access user_data vehicle_device_data vehicle_cmds vehicle_charging_cmdsSpace delimited list of scopes, include openid and offline_access to obtain a refresh token.
stateYesdb4af3f87...Random value used for validation.
code_challengeYesbFoI-q1X6yH2-kBGEZ3gkv3JNd527d7ZWIw-KmIFm6IRandomly generated encrypted key from "code_verifier" that will be used for requesting a token.
nonceNo7baf90cda...Random value used for replay prevention.

Example Request$CLIENT_ID&locale=en-US&prompt=login&redirect_uri=$REDIRECT_URI&response_type=code&scope=openid%20vehicle_device_data%20offline_access&state=$STATE&code_challenge=$CODE_CHALLENGE

Step 2: Callback

After the user authorizes their account with Tesla, they will be redirected to the specified redirect_uri.

Extract the code URL parameter from this callback.

Step 3: Code Exchange

Execute a code exchange call to generate a token. The access_token can be used for subsequent requests to Fleet API on behalf of the user.

If using the offline_access scope, save the refresh_token to generate tokens in the future. The refresh token is single use only and expires after 3 months.

An invalid_auth_code response likely means the code is expired.



grant_typeYesauthorization_codeGrant type must be authorization_code.
client_idYesabc-123Partner application client ID.
codeYesa90869e9d...Code from authorize request callback.
audienceYes for the generated token. Must be a Fleet API base URL.
code_verifierYesS94sfZq9709HXnQlIYh9TOavL0GNd4z-h8FSwA9SLGYRandomly generated key (unchallenged/unencrypted) for the "code_challenge" that was sent to the authorize endpoint.
redirect_uriYes application callback url, spec: rfc6749.
scopeNoopenid offline_access user_data vehicle_device_data vehicle_cmds vehicle_charging_cmdsSpace-delimited list of scopes.

Example Request

# Authorization code token request
CODE=<extract from callback>
curl --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --data-urlencode 'grant_type=authorization_code' \
  --data-urlencode "client_id=$CLIENT_ID" \
  --data-urlencode "code=$CODE" \
  --data-urlencode "audience=$AUDIENCE" \
  --data-urlencode "code_verifier=$CODE_VERIFIER" \
  --data-urlencode "redirect_uri=$CALLBACK" \
# Extract access_token and refresh_token from this response

Refresh Tokens

Use the refresh_token to generate new tokens and obtain refresh tokens. There are two common failure modes for using a refresh_token that will return a 401 - login_required response:

  1. The refresh token has already been used; only the newest refresh token is valid.
  2. The user has reset their password.


grant_typeYesrefresh_tokenGrant type must be refresh_token.
client_idYesabc-123Partner application client ID.
refresh_tokenYesNA_a90869e9d...Refresh token from the code exchange response.

Example Request

# Refresh token request
REFRESH_TOKEN=<extract from authorization code token request>
curl --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --data-urlencode 'grant_type=refresh_token' \
  --data-urlencode "client_id=$CLIENT_ID" \
  --data-urlencode "refresh_token=$REFRESH_TOKEN" \

Scope Changes

Once a user has granted scopes to an application, they can modify scopes or revoke access using the consent management page:$CLIENT_ID&back_url=$RETURN_URL

Scope modifications are compatible with existing refresh tokens and will be applied to new access tokens.