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  1. Fleet API
  2. Charging

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do some calls return a 429?

This means the account has reached the request rate limit for the endpoint. Check the 'RateLimit--Limit', 'RateLimit--Remaining' and 'RateLimit-*-Reset' request headers to determine when to make the next request. See more information on response codes.

Why do some calls to vehicles return a 408?

This tends to mean the device is offline. Does the device have internet connectivity? If so, is it asleep (saving energy) in which case might need to wake it up?

What does it mean when I get an 'Unauthorized missing scopes' 403 error?

The token that is being provided does not have the required scopes for the current resource. Look at the scopes requirements for the endpoint and ensure the token has those scopes. If the token is not created with the required scopes, it means the owner needs to explicitly grant the required scope(s) as part of the authorization flow.

Why are my API requests for new users returning unknown user?

Before requests can be made on behalf of an account, the owner of the account must have logged into the mobile app at least once.

Why are authorization requests failing?

Re-read the authentication section and follow the examples exactly as they are written.

My auth requests are returning "We don't recognize this client_id and client_secret combination."

Follow the examples given in the authentication section.

Why does my request not have a refresh_token in it?

Per the Authorization Scopes section, the offline_access scope must be requested to get a refresh token.

Why are my refresh tokens suddenly invalid?

Refresh tokens are one-time-use and are valid for 3 months. When performing a token exchange using a refresh token, ensure the new refresh token is saved for use on the next exchange.