Energy Endpoints
POST /api/1/energy_sites/{energy_site_id}/backup
Adjust the site's backup reserve.
GET /api/1/energy_sites/{energy_site_id}/calendar_history?kind=backup&start_date={start_date}&end_date={end_date}&period={period}&time_zone={time_zone}
Returns the backup (off-grid) event history of the site in duration of seconds.
GET /api/1/energy_sites/{energy_site_id}/telemetry_history?kind=charge&start_date={start_date}&end_date={end_date}&time_zone={time_zone}
Returns the charging history of a wall connector.
- Energy values are in watt hours.
GET /api/1/energy_sites/{energy_site_id}/calendar_history?kind=energy&start_date={start_date}&end_date={end_date}&period={period}&time_zone={time_zone}
Returns the energy measurements of the site, aggregated to the requested period.
- Energy values are in watt hours.
- Visit for more info.
POST /api/1/energy_sites/{energy_site_id}/grid_import_export
Allow/disallow charging from the grid and exporting energy to the grid.
GET /api/1/energy_sites/{energy_site_id}/live_status
Returns the live status of the site (power, state of energy, grid status, storm mode).
- Power values are in watts.
- Energy values are in watt hours.
POST /api/1/energy_sites/{energy_site_id}/off_grid_vehicle_charging_reserve
Adjust the site's off-grid vehicle charging backup reserve.
POST /api/1/energy_sites/{energy_site_id}/operation
Set the site's mode.
- Use autonomous for time-based control and self_consumption for self-powered mode.
- Visit for more info.
GET /api/1/energy_sites/{energy_site_id}/site_info
Returns information about the site. Things like assets (has solar, etc), settings (backup reserve, etc), and features (storm_mode_capable, etc).
- Power values are in watts.
- Energy values are in watt hours.
- default_real_mode can be autonomous for time-based control and self_consumption for self-powered mode.
POST /api/1/energy_sites/{energy_site_id}/storm_mode
Update storm watch participation.
- Visit for more info.
POST /api/1/energy_sites/{energy_site_id}/time_of_use_settings
Update the time of use settings for the energy site. Visit for more information about Utility Rate Plans. The payload for this request that should be passed in for tou_settings.tariff_content_v2 is a tariff structure. Visit for an example. Please note the following when creating the payload:
- At least one season must be present. Seasons can have arbitrary names as they are just a way to distinguish rates for specific times of the year. Each season contains a tariff period specifying the start and end months/days along with its time of use periods.
- demand_charges is for tariffs that charge a fee for peak power consumption. This is not common for residential systems. Typically residential customers are only charged for the energy that they consume, energy_charges should be used in this case.
- Prices in ALL in energy_charges or demand_charges apply to all time periods. It is recommended to use the ALL field for flat/fixed tariffs instead of creating tariff periods.
- The following are valid currency strings: USD, EUR, GBP
- Time of use labels may be any string but the mobile app will only support displaying the following labels: ON_PEAK, OFF_PEAK, PARTIAL_PEAK or SUPER_OFF_PEAK.
- The tariff must pass the following validation checks:
- No overlaps of time periods
- No gaps in time periods
- No overlapping seasons or gaps between seasons
- All periods/seasons that have prices defined have time periods defined
- All periods/seasons that have time periods defined have prices
- No negative prices. Negative prices will be rounded to zero. Therefore use prices that include taxes. This will limit the frequency of negative prices occurring.
- Buy price should be >= sell price at any given time. If not, the buy price will be set equal to the sell price.