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  1. Fleet API
  2. Charging

What is Fleet API?

Fleet API is a RESTful data and command service providing access to Tesla vehicles, energy, and other types of devices. Partners can interact with their own devices, or devices for which they have been granted access by a customer.

Follow the onboarding process below to register and get an API key to interact with Tesla's API endpoints. Applications can request vehicle owners for permission to view account information, get vehicle status or even issue remote commands. Vehicle owners maintain control over which application they grant access to, and can change these settings at any time.

Step 1: Create a Tesla Account

Create a Tesla account and ensure it has a verified email and multi-factor authentication enabled.

Create Account

Step 2: Create an Application

Click the 'Request Access' button below to request app access. Provide legal business details, application name, description, and purpose of usage. Tesla will review the request and email with status updates.

While requesting access, select the scopes to used by the application. Reference the authentication overview page for a list of available scopes.

Note: account creation requests can be automatically rejected if the application name already exists.

Create Application and Access Dashboard

Step 3: Generate a Public/Private Key Pair

A public key must be hosted on the application's domain before making calls to Fleet API.

The key is used to validate ownership of the domain and provide additional security when using Vehicle Commands and Fleet Telemetry.

To create an EC public key using the secp256r1 curve (prime256v1), run:

openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out private-key.pem

Then, generate the associated public key.

openssl ec -in private-key.pem -pubout -out public-key.pem

This public key should be available at:

Note: private-key.pem needs to be kept secret and should not be hosted on your domain.

Step 4: Call the Register Endpoint

Next, call the register endpoint to finish registration with Fleet API.

This request must be made with a partner authentication token.

To call the endpoint, view the endpoint's official documentation.

Next Steps

Now that the register endpoint has been called, Fleet API is configured and ready to receive requests.

Next steps to take: