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Available Data

Fleet Telemetry provides multiple types of data which reflect the realtime state of the vehicle.

Vehicle Data

Vehicle data is sent every 500 milliseconds. The vehicles behavior for sending data is described in System Behavior.

Vehicles running firmware version 2024.38 and higher can deliver typed data (instead of strings) if the prefer_typed field is set to true in the Fleet Telemetry configuration payload.

A protobuf definition file of these fields is available in the fleet-telemetry Github repo.

There are cases where a datum will return a value of invalid: true instead of an expected data type. This means the vehicle has entered a state where that signal cannot be accurately measured or is otherwise invalid.

Expand to view all columns.
ACChargingEnergyInChargingrealThe amount of energy in kWh added during an AC charging session. This is measured from the charger. This field should be ignored during DC charging.
ACChargingPowerChargingrealTotal AC charger input power.
AutoSeatClimateLeftClimatebooleanIf the left front seat has auto seat climate enabled.
AutoSeatClimateRightClimatebooleanIf the right front seat has auto seat climate enabled.
AutomaticBlindSpotCameraSafetybooleanIndicates whether the blind spot camera is enabled.
AutomaticEmergencyBrakingOffSafetybooleanIndicates whether automatic emergency braking is disabled.
BMSStateChargingBMSStateValue enumBMS operating state.
BatteryHeaterOnChargingbooleanIf the battery is actively heating itself. This may be done in cold weather or when preconditioning for supercharging.
BatteryLevelChargingrealThe state of charge of the vehicle, as a percent of total battery capacity.
BlindSpotCollisionWarningChimeSafetybooleanIf the blindspot collision warning chime is enabled.
BmsFullchargecompleteChargingbooleanIndicates BMS is fully charged.
BrakePedalDrivingbooleanStatus of the brake pedal.
BrakePedalPosDrivingrealMaster cylinder pressure measured in the ESP.
BrickVoltageMaxChargingintegerBrick voltage maximum.
BrickVoltageMinChargingintegerBrick voltage minimum.
CabinOverheatProtectionModeClimateCabinOverheatProtectionModeState enumThe mode of cabin overheat protection.
CabinOverheatProtectionTemperatureLimitClimateCabitOverheatProtectionTempLimit enumThe temperature limit of cabin overheat protection, represented as low, medium, or high.
CarTypeVehicle ConfigurationenumThe model of the vehicle.
CenterDisplayVehicle StateDisplayState enumThe state of the center display.
ChargeAmpsChargingrealAC charger's sensed input line current.
ChargeCurrentRequestChargingintegerThe requested amps to charge the vehicle.
ChargeCurrentRequestMaxChargingintegerThe maximum available amps available to charge.
ChargeEnableRequestChargingbooleanIf charging is enabled.
ChargeLimitSocChargingintegerThe state of charge at which charging will terminate, as a percentage of battery capacity.
ChargePortChargingChargePortValue enumThe type of charge port installed.
ChargePortColdWeatherModeChargingbooleanIndicates whether the charge port is in cold weather mode.
ChargePortDoorOpenChargingbooleanIndicates whether the charge port door is open based only on the door potentiometer.
ChargePortLatchChargingChargePortLatchValue enumSensed state of the charge port latch. Early Model 3 vehicles will not latch in cold weather (below 5 degrees Celsius).
ChargeRateMilePerHourChargingrealThe number of miles being added per hour of charging, given the current charge rate.
ChargeStateChargingstringThe non-detailed charge state of the vehicle. See DetailedChargeState for detailed charge state data.
ChargerPhasesChargingintegerThe number of phases available from the connected charger.
ChargerVoltageChargingrealRMS value of AC charger's sensed input voltage. This field changes frequently, even when not charging. It is recommended to set minimum_delta, which is available on firmware version 2024.44.32 and later. Beginning with firmware version 2025.2.6, minimum_delta is set to 0.3 by default.
ChargingCableTypeChargingCableType enumThe type of charging cable connected to the vehicle. If no charging cable is present, Invalid will be returned.
ClimateKeeperModeClimateClimateKeeperModeState enumThe climate keeper mode.
ClimateSeatCoolingFrontLeftClimateintegerThe seat cooling level requested by the front left seat.
ClimateSeatCoolingFrontRightClimateIntegerThe seat cooling level requested by the front right seat.
CruiseFollowDistanceSafetyFollowDistance enumThe following distance selected in vehicle controls.
CruiseSetSpeedDrivingrealCruise control set point.
CurrentLimitMphVehicle StaterealThe maximum speed the vehicle is allowed to travel.
DCChargingEnergyInChargingrealThe amount of energy in kWh added during a charging session. This is measured at the battery. It can be relied upon for both AC and DC charging.
DCChargingPowerChargingrealThe kilowatts added during a DC charging session.
DCDCEnableChargingbooleanThe state of the PCS's DCDC enable line.
DefrostForPreconditioningClimatebooleanIf the vehicle is defrosting due to preconditioning.
DefrostModeClimateDefrostModeState enumThe state of the vehicle defrost.
DestinationLocationLocationLocationThe coordinates of the current navigation route's destination. If no navigation destination is set, Invalid will be returned.
DestinationNameLocationstringThe name of the active navigation destination. If no destination is present, Invalid will be reported.
DetailedChargeStateChargingDetailedChargeStateValue enumThe detailed charge state, rather than ChargeState which provides little detail. This field is added in firmware version 2024.38.
DiAxleSpeedFPowertrainrealFront drive inverter motor speed normalized at axle level.
DiAxleSpeedRPowertrainrealRear drive inverter motor speed normalized at axle level.
DiAxleSpeedRELPowertrainrealRear Left drive inverter motor speed normalized at axle level.
DiAxleSpeedRERPowertrainrealRear Right drive inverter motor speed normalized at axle level.
DiHeatsinkTFPowertrainrealFront drive inverter heatsink temperature.
DiHeatsinkTRPowertrainrealRear drive inverter heatsink temperature.
DiHeatsinkTRELPowertrainrealRear left drive inverter heatsink temperature.
DiHeatsinkTRERPowertrainrealRear right drive inverter heatsink temperature.
DiInverterTFPowertrainrealFront drive inverter measured outlet temperature.
DiInverterTRPowertrainrealRear drive inverter measured outlet temperature.
DiInverterTRELPowertrainrealRear left drive inverter measured outlet temperature.
DiInverterTRERPowertrainrealRear right drive inverter measured outlet temperature.
DiMotorCurrentFPowertrainrealFront drive inverter motor current.
DiMotorCurrentRPowertrainrealRear drive inverter motor current.
DiMotorCurrentRELPowertrainrealRear Left drive inverter motor current.
DiMotorCurrentRERPowertrainrealRear Right drive inverter motor current.
DiSlaveTorqueCmdPowertrainrealTorque command to secondary drive unit.
DiStateFPowertrainDriveInverterState enumFront drive inverter state.
DiStateRPowertrainDriveInverterState enumRear drive inverter state.
DiStateRELPowertrainDriveInverterState enumRear Left drive inverter state.
DiStateRERPowertrainDriveInverterState enumRear Right drive inverter state.
DiStatorTempFPowertrainrealFront Drive Unit stator temperature.
DiStatorTempRPowertrainrealRear Drive Unit stator temperature.
DiStatorTempRELPowertrainrealRear Left Drive Unit stator temperature.
DiStatorTempRERPowertrainrealRear Right Drive Unit stator temperature.
DiTorqueActualFPowertrainrealActual torque the front drive unit is controlling to referred to the axle/wheel.
DiTorqueActualRPowertrainrealActual torque the rear drive unit is controlling to referred to the axle/wheel.
DiTorqueActualRELPowertrainrealActual torque the rear left drive unit is controlling to referred to the axle/wheel.
DiTorqueActualRERPowertrainrealActual torque the rear right drive unit is controlling to referred to the axle/wheel.
DiTorquemotorPowertrainrealTorque commanded to the drive unit, referred to the axle/wheel.
DiVBatFPowertrainrealFront drive inverter measured battery voltage.
DiVBatRPowertrainrealRear drive inverter measured battery voltage.
DiVBatRELPowertrainrealRear left drive inverter measured battery voltage.
DiVBatRERPowertrainrealRear right drive inverter measured battery voltage.
DoorStateVehicle StatestringThe doors which are currently open. This field has passenger front and driver rear doors swapped in firmware versions prior to 2024.44.32.
DriveRailDrivingbooleanOn/Off state of drive power state.
DriverSeatBeltSafetybooleanIndication that the driver has unbuckled their seat belt.
DriverSeatOccupiedVehicle StatebooleanDriver presence, determined by combination of sources depending on platform.
EfficiencyPackageVehicle ConfigurationstringThe efficiency package of the vehicle. This is returned as a string since possible values vary by vehicle model and platform.
EmergencyLaneDepartureAvoidanceSafetybooleanIf emergence lane keep assist is enabled.
EnergyRemainingChargingrealThe nominal energy remaining in the battery pack, measured in kWh.
EstBatteryRangeChargingrealThe estimated range of the vehicle given its current state of charge. Takes driving conditions into account.
EstimatedHoursToChargeTerminationChargingrealThe number of hours until reaching the desired state of charge. Desired state of charge is defined by ChargeLimitSoc.
EuropeVehicleVehicle ConfigurationbooleanIf this vehicle is classified as a Europe vehicle.
ExpectedEnergyPercentAtTripArrivalChargingrealThe expected energy percentage upon arriving at destination. If no navigation destination is set, Invalid will be returned.
ExteriorColorVehicle ConfigurationstringThe exterior color of the vehicle.
FastChargerPresentChargingbooleanIs a fast charger is present.
FastChargerTypeChargingFastCharger enumThe type of fast charger connected to the vehicle.
FdWindowVehicle StateWindowState enumThe state of the front driver window.
ForwardCollisionWarningSafetyForwardCollisionSensitivity enumThe forward collision sensitivity selected in vehicle settings.
FpWindowVehicle StateWindowState enumThe state of the front passenger window.
GearDrivingShiftState enumDetects the current operating gear reported by the drive inverter.
GpsHeadingLocationrealThe orientation of the vehicle. 0 represents North, 90 represents East, etc.
GpsStateLocationbooleanIf GPS lock is acquired.
GuestModeEnabledVehicle StatebooleanIf guest mode is enabled.
GuestModeMobileAccessStateVehicle StateGuestModeMobileAccess enumThe state of guest mode.
HomelinkDeviceCountVehicle StateintegerThe number of nearby homelink devices.
HomelinkNearbyVehicle StatebooleanIf a homelink device is nearby.
HvacACEnabledClimatebooleanIf AC is enabled.
HvacAutoModeClimateHvacAutoModeState enumThe state of HVAC auto mode.
HvacFanSpeedClimateintegerThe HVAC fan speed.
HvacFanStatusClimateintegerCabin airflow blower set speed segment.
HvacLeftTemperatureRequestClimaterealThe requested temperature for the left front side of the vehicle. Reported in celsius. This differs slightly from the equivalent vehicle_data fields as it is based on the side of the vehicle instead of passenger/driver.
HvacPowerClimateHvacPowerState enumThe power state of the HVAC system.
HvacRightTemperatureRequestClimaterealThe requested temperature for the right front side of the vehicle. Reported in celsius. This differs slightly from the equivalent vehicle_data fields as it is based on the side of the vehicle instead of passenger/driver.
HvacSteeringWheelHeatAutoClimatebooleanIf the steering wheel heat is set to auto.
HvacSteeringWheelHeatLevelClimateintegerThe level of steering wheel heat.
HvilPowertrainHvilStatus enumThe state of the high voltage interlock.
IdealBatteryRangeChargingrealThe current range of the vehicle, assuming ideal conditions (speed, weather, etc).
InsideTempClimaterealEstimated temperature of the cabin (in Celsius). This field frequently changes in small increments and setting a minimum delta is recommended. This field frequently changes in small increments and setting a minimum delta is recommended.
IsolationResistanceServicerealResistance between HV bus and chassis.
LaneDepartureAvoidanceSafetyLaneAssistLevel enumThe lane assist level selected in vehicle settings.
LateralAccelerationDrivingrealThe lateral acceleration of the vehicle measured in Gs.
LifetimeEnergyUsedChargingrealTotal energy-lost kWh count during discharging.
LifetimeEnergyUsedDriveChargingrealThis field is broken and does not return data.
LightsHazardsActiveVehicle StatebooleanIf the vehicle's hazard lights are activated.
LightsHighBeamsVehicle StatebooleanIf the vehicle's high beams are activated.
LightsTurnSignalVehicle StateTurnSignalState enumThe state of turn signals. Left, right, both, none.
LocatedAtFavoriteLocationbooleanIf the vehicle is located at a favorite location of the active driver profile.
LocatedAtHomeLocationbooleanIf the vehicle is located at the active driver profile’s saved home location.
LocatedAtWorkLocationbooleanIf the vehicle is located at the active driver profile’s saved work location.
LocationLocationLocationValue enumThe latitude and longitude of the vehicle. Beginning with firmware version 2025.2.6, specifying minimum delta for location values is possible. Changes in distance are measured in meters.
LockedSafetybooleanIf the vehicle is locked.
LongitudinalAccelerationDrivingrealThe longitudinal acceleration of the vehicle measured in Gs.
MediaAudioVolumeMediarealThe volume of in-cabin audio measured from 0-11.
MediaAudioVolumeIncrementMediarealThe size of volume increments or decrements.
MediaAudioVolumeMaxMediarealThe maximum volume available to be selected.
MediaNowPlayingAlbumMediastringThe album of the current track.
MediaNowPlayingArtistMediastringThe artist of the current track.
MediaNowPlayingDurationMediaintegerThe length of the current track measured in milliseconds. For radio stations which do not have a duration, 18000000 is reported.
MediaNowPlayingElapsedMediaintegerThe playback position in the current track, measured in milliseconds. The value returned while listening to a radio station may be nonsensical.
MediaNowPlayingStationMediastringThe station playing media.
MediaNowPlayingTitleMediastringThe title of the current track.
MediaPlaybackSourceMediastringThe source actively being used for playing media.
MediaPlaybackStatusMediaMediaStatus enumThe state of media playback.
MilesToArrivalLocationrealThe miles until arriving at the navigation destination. If no navigation destination is set, Invalid will be returned.
MinutesToArrivalLocationrealThe minutes until arriving at the navigation destination. If no navigation destination is set, Invalid will be returned.
ModuleTempMaxChargingintegerThe maximum thermistor temperature.
ModuleTempMinChargingintegerThe minimum thermistor temperature.
NotEnoughPowerToHeatChargingbooleanIf the battery does not have enough power available to heat itself.
NumBrickVoltageMaxChargingintegerBrick number with maximum voltage (1 indexed).
NumBrickVoltageMinChargingintegerBrick number with minimum voltage (1 indexed).
NumModuleTempMaxChargingintegerThe max thermistor temperature module ID.
NumModuleTempMinChargingintegerThe min thermistor temperature module ID.
OdometerVehicle StaterealThe number of miles the vehicle has driven. Beginning with firmware version 2025.2.6, the minimum delta for Odometer is set to 0.1 by default.
OffroadLightbarPresentVehicle ConfigurationbooleanReport whether the offroad light bar is detected.
OriginLocationLocationenumThe coordinates of the current navigation route's origin.
OutsideTempClimaterealFiltered ambient temperature based on vehicle speed.
PackCurrentChargingrealCurrent measured at the HV contactors of the HV battery.
PackVoltageChargingrealVoltage measured on the battery side of the HV contactors.
PairedPhoneKeyAndKeyFobQtyVehicle StateintegerThe number of phone keys and key fobs paired to the vehicle.
PassengerSeatBeltSafetybooleanThis field improperly reports if the 2nd row center seat belt is buckled.
PedalPositionDrivingrealThe position of the accelerator pedal.
PinToDriveEnabledSafetybooleanIf pin to drive mode is enabled. Pin to drive requires entering a pin before shifting the vehicle out of park.
PowershareHoursLeftChargingintegerThe number of hours remaining through Powershare.
PowershareInstantaneousPowerKWChargingrealDisplays the current AC real power output from Power Conversion System 2 (PCS2) in Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) mode. A positive value indicates battery discharge (power flowing out of the battery).
PowershareStatusChargingPowershareState enumThe state of Powershare.
PowershareStopReasonChargingPowershareStopReasonStatus enumThe reason Powershare has stopped.
PowershareTypeChargingPowershareTypeStatus enumThe type of Powershare currently active.
PreconditioningEnabledChargingbooleanIf the vehicle is preconditioning.
RatedRangeChargingrealThe officially rated range of the vehicle given its current state of charge.
RdWindowVehicle StateWindowState enumThe state of the rear driver window.
RearDefrostEnabledClimatebooleanIf rear defrost is enabled.
RearDisplayHvacEnabledClimatebooleanIf HVAC is enabled on the rear display.
RearSeatHeatersVehicle ConfigurationstringThe rear seat heater package installed on the vehicle.
RemoteStartEnabledVehicle ConfigurationbooleanIf the vehicle is being driven without a physical key.
RightHandDriveVehicle ConfigurationbooleanIf the vehicle is a right hand drive vehicle.
RoofColorVehicle ConfigurationstringThe color of the roof.
RouteLastUpdatedLocationtimestampThis field is broken and does not return data.
RouteLineLocationstringA base64 encoded polyline of the active navigation route. To extract coordinates, decode the base64 and use Google's polyline decoding algorithm. Precision 6 is used.
RouteTrafficMinutesDelayDrivingrealThe number of minutes delay on the active navigation route.
RpWindowVehicle StateWindowState enumThe state of the rear passenger window.
ScheduledChargingModeChargingScheduledChargingModeValue enumThe mode for scheduled charging.
ScheduledChargingPendingChargingbooleanIf a charge session is scheduled.
ScheduledChargingStartTimeChargingtimestampThe time charging is scheduled to begin. Timestamp fields report incorrectly. Treating the reported value as Pacific Time will yield the date and time in the vehicle's timezone.
SeatHeaterLeftClimateintegerThe level of the front left seat heater. Values range from 0 (off) to 3 (high).
SeatHeaterRearCenterClimateintegerThe level of the rear center seat heater. Values range from 0 (off) to 3 (high).
SeatHeaterRearLeftClimateintegerThe level of the rear left seat heater. Values range from 0 (off) to 3 (high).
SeatHeaterRearRightClimateintegerThe level of the rear right seat heater. Values range from 0 (off) to 3 (high).
SeatHeaterRightClimateintegerThe level of the right seat heater. Values range from 0 (off) to 3 (high).
SeatVentEnabledClimatebooleanIf front seat ventilation is enabled.
SemitruckPassengerSeatFoldPositionVehicle StateenumStatus of the Semi passenger seat position.
SemitruckTpmsPressureRe1L0ServicerealThe last measured tire pressure of the Semi's middle axle left tire in atmospheres. L0 and L1 report two measurements from the same tire.
SemitruckTpmsPressureRe1L1ServicerealThe last measured tire pressure of the Semi's middle axle left tire in atmospheres. L0 and L1 report two measurements from the same tire.
SemitruckTpmsPressureRe1R0ServicerealThe last measured tire pressure of the Semi's middle axle right tire in atmospheres. R0 and R1 report two measurements from the same tire.
SemitruckTpmsPressureRe1R1ServicerealThe last measured tire pressure of the Semi's middle axle right tire in atmospheres. R0 and R1 report two measurements from the same tire.
SemitruckTpmsPressureRe2L0ServicerealThe last measured tire pressure of the Semi's rear axle left tire in atmospheres. L0 and L1 report two measurements from the same tire.
SemitruckTpmsPressureRe2L1ServicerealThe last measured tire pressure of the Semi's rear axle left tire in atmospheres. L0 and L1 report two measurements from the same tire.
SemitruckTpmsPressureRe2R0ServicerealThe last measured tire pressure of the Semi's rear axle right tire in atmospheres. R0 and R1 report two measurements from the same tire.
SemitruckTpmsPressureRe2R1ServicerealThe last measured tire pressure of the Semi's rear axle right tire in atmospheres. R0 and R1 report two measurements from the same tire.
SemitruckTractorParkBrakeStatusVehicle StateenumThe state of the Semi's tractor park brake.
SemitruckTrailerParkBrakeStatusVehicle StateenumThe state of the Semi's trailer park brake.
SentryModeVehicle StateSentryModeState enumThe current state of sentry mode.
ServiceModeVehicle StatebooleanIf service mode is enabled.
Setting24HourTimeUser PreferencebooleanIf 24 hour time is preferred for displaying time.
SettingChargeUnitUser PreferenceChargeUnitPreference enumThe preferred unit for displaying charge range.
SettingDistanceUnitUser PreferenceDistanceUnit enumThe units the vehicle uses when displaying distance.
SettingTemperatureUnitUser PreferenceTemperatureUnit enumThe preferred unit for displaying temperature data.
SettingTirePressureUnitUser PreferencePressureUnit enumThe preferred unit for displaying pressure data.
SocChargingrealThe usable state of charge of the vehicle, as a percent of total battery capacity.
SoftwareUpdateDownloadPercentCompleteVehicle StateintegerThe percent of the software update that has been downloaded. Note: during the download of one software update, this value will go from 0-100% multiple times.
SoftwareUpdateExpectedDurationMinutesVehicle StateintegerThe number of minutes a software update is estimated to take.
SoftwareUpdateInstallationPercentCompleteVehicle StateintegerThe percent a software update has finished installing. Vehicles will not remain connected to Fleet Telemetry for the entire duration of a software update.
SoftwareUpdateScheduledStartTimeVehicle StatelongThe time a software update is scheduled to begin installing. Timestamp fields report incorrectly. Treating the reported value as Pacific Time will yield the date and time in the vehicle's timezone.
SoftwareUpdateVersionVehicle StatestringThe version of an available software update.
SpeedLimitModeVehicle StatebooleanIf speed limit mode is enabled.
SpeedLimitWarningSafetySpeedAssistLevel enumThe speed assist level selected in vehicle settings.
SunroofInstalledVehicle ConfigurationSunroofInstalledState enumThe installation state of a sunroof.
SuperchargerSessionTripPlannerChargingbooleanIf the current supercharging session is part of a trip plan.
TimeToFullChargeChargingrealThe number of hours until charging is complete. If the charge session is part of a trip, this is the time until ready to continue. Otherwise, this is time until the user set limit (specified by ChargeLimitSoc).
TonneauOpenPercentVehicle StaterealThe percent the Cybertruck's tonneau cover is open.
TonneauPositionVehicle StateTonneauPositionState enumThe state of the Cybertruck's tonneau.
TonneauTentModeVehicle StateTonneauTentModeState enumState of the Cybertruck's tonneau in relationship to tent mode.
TpmsHardWarningsServiceTireLocation enumIndicates a tire's pressure needs to be inspected and is severely out of nominal range.
TpmsLastSeenPressureTimeFlServicetimestampThe time the front left tire's pressure was last measured. Timestamp fields report incorrectly. Treating the reported value as Pacific Time will yield the date and time in the vehicle's timezone.
TpmsLastSeenPressureTimeFrServicetimestampThe time the front right tire's pressure was last measured. Timestamp fields report incorrectly. Treating the reported value as Pacific Time will yield the date and time in the vehicle's timezone.
TpmsLastSeenPressureTimeRlServicetimestampThe time the rear left tire's pressure was last measured. Timestamp fields report incorrectly. Treating the reported value as Pacific Time will yield the date and time in the vehicle's timezone.
TpmsLastSeenPressureTimeRrServicetimestampThe time the rear right tire's pressure was last measured. Timestamp fields report incorrectly. Treating the reported value as Pacific Time will yield the date and time in the vehicle's timezone.
TpmsPressureFlServicerealThe last measured tire pressure of the front left tire in atmospheres.
TpmsPressureFrServicerealThe last measured tire pressure of the front right tire in atmospheres.
TpmsPressureRlServicerealThe last measured tire pressure of the rear left tire in atmospheres.
TpmsPressureRrServicerealThe last measured tire pressure of the rear right tire in atmospheres.
TpmsSoftWarningsServiceTireLocation enumIndicates a tire's pressure needs to be inspected and is slightly out of nominal range.
TrimVehicle ConfigurationstringThe trim of the vehicle.
ValetModeEnabledVehicle StatebooleanIf valet mode is enabled.
VehicleNameVehicle ConfigurationstringThe nickname of the vehicle.
VehicleSpeedDrivingrealThe speed of the vehicle is miles per hour.
VersionVehicle ConfigurationstringThe current firmware version of the vehicle. In firmware versions earlier than 2024.44, this field returned the version of an available software update. This data is available through SoftwareUpdateVersion.
WheelTypeVehicle ConfigurationstringThe type of wheel installed on the vehicle.
WiperHeatEnabledClimatebooleanIf the wiper heater are turned on.

Vehicle Alerts

Alerts provide information about potential issues with a vehicle. Up-to-date Alert definitions are here.